

Alternative Medicine Practitioner

– Longmont, CO

Looking for alternative medicine in Longmont CO? As an alternative medicine practitioner, Susan Hofland has gone through hundreds of hours of advanced training to provide you with the best alternative medicine that nutrition can provide. Through the help of your nervous system, whole foods, and whole food supplements you finally have the option to heal naturally. The techniques that she uses to pinpoint deficiencies and environmental stressors are extremely accurate. Your body’s nervous system responses don’t lie. If there is something wrong your nervous system will show the appropriate signs.


Nutrition Response Testing and Nutritional Therapy are the two techniques that are used in Restorative Nutrition Therapy to support patients natural ability to heal. As a certified nutritional therapist, Susan will work with you and your specific disease or condition in order to find what is the root cause of the symptoms. This is different than medical doctors and that is because medical doctors prescribe drugs that force reactions in the body. They do not look at what is blocking the reaction in the first place, which most commonly is because of the patient’s nutrition.

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Restorative Nutrition Therapy Is Located In Longmont, CO 80501
